
An ozonator, in the context of water treatment, refers to a device or system that utilizes ozone (O3) for the disinfection and purification of water. Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent and germicidal agent, making it effective in killing microorganisms, eliminating odors, and reducing certain contaminants in water.

Process Step

Ozone Generation: The ozonator generates ozone by utilizing either a corona discharge or UV light source. In the corona discharge method, electrical discharge is applie to a dielectric material, causing oxygen molecules (O2) to split and form ozone. In the UV method, UV light irradiates oxygen molecules, causing them to form ozone.
Ozone Injection: The generate ozone is then introduced into the water to be treate. This can be done through various methods such as diffusers, injection systems, or mixing chambers, depending on the specific ozonation system.
Disinfection: Ozone acts as a powerful disinfectant, destroying microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, by oxidizing their cell walls and disrupting their metabolic processes. Ozone is highly effective in killing a wide range of pathogens and has stronger disinfection potential compare to other common disinfectants like chlorine.
Oxidation: Ozone is also effective in oxidizing and breaking down various organic and inorganic contaminants in water. It can oxidize organic compounds, such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and taste and odor compounds, converting them into simpler, less harmful substances. Ozone can also oxidize certain metals, including iron and manganese, helping to remove them from the water.
Residual Decay: Unlike chlorine, which leaves a residual disinfectant in water, ozone quickly breaks down into oxygen molecules without leaving any chemical residuals. This makes ozonation particularly suitable for applications where the absence of residual disinfectants is desire, such as in bottle water production or wastewater treatment.

It’s important to note that ozonation is a complex process and requires careful monitoring and control to ensure proper dosing and contact time for effective disinfection and oxidation. The design and operation of ozonation systems can vary depending on the specific water quality goals and treatment requirements.

Targeted Impurities

  • Pathogens
  • Odor